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Swollen Gums

There is a general tendency among people to neglect gum swelling and bleeding - particularly if there is no apparent staining/damage in the teeth. What is often not realized is that, persistently swollen gum is an early symptom of a wide range of gum diseases. Particularly among kids, swollen and bleeding gums have to be treated as soon as such problems are detected. At our oral gum care clinic in Kolkata, we have a separate team of pediatric dentists to make sure your child does not have to suffer from gum issues for long.

Principal Causes Of Swollen Gums

Kids with generally healthy overall oral hygiene might also face gum problems (mostly cuts, bruises, and consequent bleeding) caused by high impact collisions. Apart from such cases of dental trauma, swollen gums can also be a result of:

  • Poor nutritional habits - At our dental health care clinic in India, most children with gum problems suffer from malnutrition. Parents need to realize that regular intake of necessary nutrients (Vitamin B12, iron, etc.) is essential for strong teeth and gum health. Our dieticians draw up detailed diet charts during and after the gum treatment procedure.
  • Gingivitis - This is the medical term for gum diseases at an early stage (i.e., when no surgical treatment is required). Apart from blood discharge and painful gum swelling, gingivitis also causes severe inflammations in the lymph nodes around the neck and the jaw area. Experts from dental hospitals unanimously opine that gingivitis, if left untreated, can lead to serious periodontal diseases.
  • Teething - Another extremely common cause for swollen gums among infants (particularly those between 6 to 8 months in age). As the baby teeth start to grow, there is a tendency of 'teething' among toddlers - which not only wears away the tooth enamel, but also causes gradual problems in the gums. You should ideally bring your child to our clinic for a thorough check-up - as soon as his/her first set of teeth appear. We specialize in tackling problems related to delayed tooth formation too.
  • Tooth decay - Accumulation of bacteria and plaque tartar causes cavities/holes to get formed in the teeth, and the gums gradually get swollen and reddened too (and no, OTC medicines do not help). In more serious cases of gum swelling caused by cavities, dental extractions might also be required along with the gum treatment procedures. We have the best mouth care experts organizing dental consultations and seminars at Confidental. Attend them with your child, and learn the correct methods of brushing, mouth rinsing and dental flossing.
  • Leukemia - In general, leukemia-related swollen gums are a phenomenon noticed in adults. If you are suffering from bad bites, cannot chew food properly, the gums start bleeding intermittently and there are accompanying problems like joint pains and nausea, book an appointment at our clinic immediately. Dental and gum x-rays will be conducted, to find out the nature and extent of the problem - following which, treatment will start.

Early Symptoms Of Swollen Gums

Even before there is any noticeable swelling in your child's gums, certain symptoms might crop up - indicating that gum diseases are not too far away. These include:

  • Looseness and oversensitivity in the teeth and gums.
  • Sudden problems in the fitting of oral dentures.
  • Problems in teeth alignment (e.g., wide spacing of teeth).
  • Persistent redness and tender feeling in the gums.

We strongly advise against taking/applying any over-the-counter medicines/ointments to tackle these symptoms. Getting a full gum treatment procedure done under the supervision of the best pediatric dental experts in Kolkata will be a safer, and much more effective, option.

How Can You Protect Your Child From Swollen Gums?

Treatment of swollen gums is not a complicated procedure - but wouldn't it be best if such oral problems did not at all occur? That's right, gum swelling can be prevented by following a few easy tips. We at Confidental Care emphasize on the following gum care practices:

  • Brushing after every meal (at least twice daily) is vital. Soft-bristled toothbrushes should be used for kids. In addition, dental flossing should be done everyday.
  • Avoiding food/drinks that are excessively hot or cold is advisable. Particularly if your child already has gum problems, taking food at extreme temperatures will lead to acute pains and further swelling. Give him/her food and drinks that are of lukewarm temperature. At our dental hospital in Kolkata, we will chalk out the daily diet plan for your kid too.
  • The importance of drinking a lot of water. Many kids do not take enough water during the day - as a result of which, their teeth and gums become dehydrated, and bacterial plaque gets formed gradually. Water, apart from quenching thirst, 'cleans' the mouth as well.
  • Avoiding unnecessary stress. Leading dentists have confirmed that stress leads to hormonal imbalances, which, in turn, gives rise to gum and tooth problems. Make sure your child is relaxed enough. If (s)he is gritting his/her teeth regularly, you can rest assured that there is some sort of mental stress.

For adults, staying away from smoking is a proven preventive measure against swollen gums. Intake of adequate amounts of calcium and Vitamin C is also an absolute must.

Swollen gums is a common problem among kids and adults alike, and it needs to be treated at an early stage. Book an appointment at Confidental, and ensure the presence of strong, healthy gums...always!

About Us

Confidental (estd. 2014) is an end-to-end dental care service provider. Located at Kolkata, India, the clinic boasts of advanced setup, top-notch facilities, and round-the-clock availability of a team of qualified Indian dentists. We promise...BETTER SMILES!

Book a dental appointment, and let us take care of your teeth.

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Confidental Care

19 A, Muzaffar Ahmed Street
(Ripon Street)
Kolkata, 700016
P : +91 89610 87044